Dheeraj Chamoli



Empowering D2C Brands 

Mail Id: dheru59225@gmail.com (Personal)

             dheeraj.chamoli@getsimpl.com (Official)

Web(s): Dheeraj Chamoli (Google)


Manager D2C Biz @Simpl

D2C brands in India are booming, projected to hit $60 billion by 2027. Simpl, a checkout network, leverages AI with solutions like Instant Checkout to tackle challenges like product discovery and trust. Helps D2C brands increase their website conversion and prepaid wallet share and reduce RTOs and abandoned carts. With a marketplace monopoly, the brands suffer a lot in terms of high commission and user data, to achieve a sustainable brand and long-term growth D2C can help brands in a long way partnership with their customers.


Master of Technology (M.Tech.)

Thermal & Fluids Engineering

Sep 2020 - May 2022

Indian Institute of Technology Ropar

Punjab, India

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

Mechanical Engineering

May 2015 - May 2019

Cochin University of Science & Tech.

Kochi, India

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